It was trials and tribulations on the road to chasing that paper Seen so many faces, been so many places, caught some cases Crazy thing is, out of all life done taught me Before you get one win, you gotta take a thousand losses I remember, nigga, yeah (Straight up, you know me) How would I ever forget? How could I ever forget? (Yeah, yeah) I remember, oh, I remember How could I ever forget? How would I ever forget? I remember everything, the shine and the struggle I remember all the pain, all the grind, all the hustle I remember elementary when pops would come and get me And take me to the neighborhood with Veneria and Whitney Then pops had went to prison, I remember every letter I remember bitches playing with my heart 'cause I would let 'em I remember what's-his-name told me, "Bro, let's stick together" But we couldn't stick together 'cause niggas change just like the weather I still remember the first night when I met Mr.