In total, there are 170 questions on the ATI TEAS exam. Specific Areas Tested: Conversations of standard English, knowledge of language, and using language and vocabulary to express ideas in writing.Specific Areas Tested: Human anatomy and physiology, life and physical science, and scientific reasoning.Specific Areas Tested: Numbers, algebra, measurement, and data interpretation.Specific Areas Tested: Key ideas and details, craft and structure, and integration of knowledge and ideas.A quick summary of each section can be found below. Students will be tested in four sections – reading, math, science, and English. The exam is administered by Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI). The TEAS exam is a common requirement for students looking to get into nursing school. TEAS stands for Test of Essential Academic Skills and is taken by individuals who are seeking enrollment in a healthcare-related college program. What is the meaning of the word distribution as used in the second paragraph? This complication is medically referred to as cauda equina syndrome. There can be marked muscle weakness of the lower extremities and even incontinence of bowel and bladder. This can result in severe pain down one or both lower extremities. If the disc herniation is extremely large, it can press on spinal nerves on both sides of the body. If the disc herniation occurs in the cervical spine, the pain may shoot down one arm and cause a stiff neck or muscle spasm in the neck. This is often referred to as a “pinched nerve.” The pain often is worsened upon standing and decreases with lying down. Sometimes this is associated with numbness, weakness, and tingling in the leg. For example, a disc herniation at the level between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae of the low back can cause a shooting pain down the buttock into the back of the thigh and down the leg. This can cause shooting pain in the distribution of that nerve and usually occurs on one side of the body and is referred to as sciatica. If the disc herniation is large enough, the disc tissue can press on the adjacent spinal nerves that exit the spine at the level of the disc herniation. However, disc herniation can cause local pain at the level of the spine affected.

A disc herniation may not cause any symptoms. The symptoms of a herniated disc depend on the exact level of the spine where the disc herniation occurs and whether or not nerve tissue is being irritated.

Use the following reading passage to answer the questions below. What is the meaning of the word underlying as used in this passage? However, they caution that more research is needed. Taken together, the researchers wrote, the findings suggest that an abnormality in serotonin metabolism could indicate an underlying vulnerability that increases SIDS risk and that testing blood samples for serotonin could distinguish certain SIDS cases from other infant deaths. In previous studies, the researchers reported multiple serotonin-related brain abnormalities in SIDS cases, including a decrease in serotonin in regions involved in breathing, heart rate patterns, blood pressure, temperature regulation, and arousal during sleep. In the current study, researchers reported that 31 percent of SIDS infants (19 of 61) had elevated blood levels of serotonin. SIDS is the sudden death of an infant under one year of age that remains unexplained after a complete autopsy and death scene investigation. NIH’s Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) provided funding for the work. Haynes, Ph.D., of Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The finding raises the possibility that a test could be developed to distinguish SIDS cases from other causes of sleep-related, unexpected infant death. Use the following reading passage to answer the next 2 questions below:īlood samples from infants who died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) had high levels of serotonin, a chemical that carries signals along and between nerves, according to a study funded in part by the National Institutes of Health.